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Friday, September 25, 2009

Adventures in babysitting

Yesterday I babysat for a friend's six month old, Adrian, for 3+ hours. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. Sometimes I can hardly handle Nate let alone another child. Fortunately it went well. Adrian is pretty laid back and Nate was in a good mood (from all that sleep!) so I basically just rotated them from bouncer, to excersaucer, to bumbo, to couch, to play mat, to my arms, and for the most part they stayed happy. The worst part was how the time drrraaaageed on and on and on. I would think "surely a half hour has gone by" and would look at the clock to find it had only been five minutes since the last time I checked.
two cuties!

Nate steadies himself while Adrian is surprised by Nate's inability to sit up on his own.

I don't think Nate was totally comfortable with sharing all of his toys and chairs.

Out of all his seating options Nate is most content in the bumbo. Unfortunately his thighs are quickly outgrowing the seat.

His legs need to be pushed in when being seated and popped out when lifted up (or else the bumbo comes with us).

Nate is fascinated by Piper

Nate, desperate for a glimpse of Piper while Piper to other things.

Looking rough this morning (me, that is). Nate often falls asleep while nursing but rarely while just sitting on my lap. I guess "The Ace of Cakes" episode that I was watching was boring him.
(My glasses are permanently bent out of shape from Nate repeatedly yanking them off my face. I need to make a visit to Dr. Mazur next time I'm in NJ.)

Piper! Off!!!

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