Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor day weekend was uneventful and relaxing, although Edward did have to work on Monday. It was crummy on Saturday (at least until the later morning) which allowed us to be lazy a good part of the day without feeling too guilty. We did make our way to a nearby mall which was a nightmare. It was incredibly crowded and didn't have any good stores--mostly Hot Topic, Deb, Forever 21 type stores, not an Ann Taylor, Gap, or Banana to be found. We did manage to spend $5 on 1/16 of a pound of candy at the Sweet Factory. One of Edward's favorite candies is bleep blips. Never heard of them? Neither had I until I met Edward. They are like large sweet tarts I guess. I've never actually tried one but I know I would not like them. They make the top ten on Edward's candy list along with bottle caps, nerds, gobstoppers, and other nasty Willy Wonka brand candy.

Sunday we went to church, took Piper to the park, and grilled hamburgers for dinner. It seems we did something else, but I can't remember.

We've had Piper only a few weeks but already she fits in just great. Last week she learned to go down the stairs which means I don't have to carry her down them anymore. She does a fast little bunny hop to get down and has slipped a few times but she's getting better each day. She occasionally sits by the door to let us know when she needs to go out, plus she has only had one accident in the house in the last 8 days! Yippee!! Her favorite place to sleep is in the bathroom behind the toilet. I guess it's the coolest spot in the apartment...kind of gross, though.

Anyway, some less than exciting pictures...

Piper needs to go out
(In case you are wondering what is wrong with our tree stand, let me explain. Piper was having one of her daily puppy fits and as she ran by the tree stand she knocked into a bag that was hanging off of it and it all came crashing down next to her. Fortunately Edward was able to fix it.)

Edward and Piper have spent many hours watching the U.S. Open. While she hates Wii tennis, Piper seems to enjoy Nadal, Federrer, and the Williams sisters.

Piper's favorite hangout

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