Nate has been very smiley the last couple of weeks. He's a MUCH happier boy when he's had plenty of sleep (aren't we all!), however it's difficult to get him to sleep for any significant amount of time. We are working hard to get him on a schedule (eating every three hours, napping, nighttime routine, etc). He's doing okay, although I'd love if he would sleep more than four hours in a row at night. We have had a rare 5, 6, and even one 7 (!) hour stretch, but like I said, that is rare. It's usually four hours, then asleep for another 2 and half, then maybe another 1 or 2 hours. Could be better, could be worse.
Here are a bunch of pictures from the last week (including a visit to NJ). When it comes time to order pictures and make a photo album I don't know how I'll decide which ones make the cut--there are so many cute ones!

Cousin Maddie nicely loaned Nate her play mat which he is enjoying very much.

All ready for church

Looking rather bored/annoyed out at the pool

Somebody is ready for a nap!

Nate enjoys tugging on his clothing.

Actually sleeping unswaddled!

This series of pictures was taken today. Nate and I made our first trip to the grocery store and he did quite well. My list was short however the trip took longer than anticipated because people kept stopping to "ohh" and "ah" over Nate. :-)

Video 1 - short clip of Nate sucking his fist
Video 2 - Nate had been happy on the play mat but by the time I started recording he'd had enough. Here he is squawking/talking quite a bit.