Saturday I hit 27 weeks which now means I am in the third and final trimester. Our due date is exactly three months from today! The baby is still very active and now I can feel his head/tush pushing out from my belly at times, and sometimes his whole body sort of shifts to the front of my belly (making it feel very hard), and then shifts away--a very strange feeling!
My only complaint at this point is my back. I hurt my back in mid-January rescuing Piper from a 100 pound German Shepherd. The first few days after it happened I was really hurting, but now I just have a dull pain in my lower back and walk with a bit of a limp. It's bearable, for sure, but I really hope I'm not limping for three more months. I have been using a heating pad but that doesn't seem to help much. My hobbies include hunching over a pottery wheel or a sewing machine for hours at a time which doesn't help either.
Today is our second day of warmth and sunshine here in New Haven. I think we broke 50 degrees yesterday and today it's in the low 40s but still feels quite balmy compared with the weather we were having. Now hopefully all this icky snow and ice will melt away.
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